The Closer - TNT Network
a kate west favorite
Krya Sedgwick is more than remarkable in this acclaimed television show about Deputy Chief Brenda Johnson who transfers from Atlanta, Georgia to a whole different world of crime in Los Angeles, California. Three seasons worth of investigative work have endeared her to audiences everywhere. She has the accent down perfectly and the subtle characterization is amazing. It is quite heartening to see an "older" (Hollywood older, not real people older) in such a gratifying role. She won the 20007 Golden Globe award for best actress and deserved ten more. Lord, what a dream come true for a working actor. The rest of the cast comprising her crew is wonderful as well.

Each week another crime is solved by Johnson's finesse at cornering her suspects into admitting the truth. She's brilliant at what she does, which makes her all the more human in her vulnerable moments outside the interrogation room. She has a rabid sweet tooth and hides all sorts of chocolate goodies in her desk drawers and purses, forever tempted into sin by the stresses of her job. She works with her ex (J.K. Simmons, Assistant Chief Pope), and is engaged to an F.B.I. agent (Jon Tenney as Fritz Howard) who loves both her strength and her neurosis, lucky, lucky her. In one recent episode, she puts off a visit to her doctor, assuming she's having a pregnancy scare, only to find her brave front is big, fat, facade when they discover she's actually going through early menopause. Her despairing cry that she will now get "all old and wrinkly" is hysterical.
The show was created by James Duff and the Shephard/Robin Company in association with Warner Bros. Television. Check it out.
Series Directed by
Michael M. Robin (10 episodes, 2005-2007)
Arvin Brown (5 episodes, 2005-2007)
Elodie Keene (4 episodes, 2005-2007)
Rick Wallace (4 episodes, 2005-2007)
Gloria Muzio (3 episodes, 2005-2006)
Kevin Bacon (2 episodes, 2006-2007)
Series Writing credits
James Duff (35 episodes, 2005-2007)
Hunt Baldwin (8 episodes, 2005-2007)
John Coveny (8 episodes, 2005-2007)
Ken Martin (7 episodes, 2007)
Wendy West (6 episodes, 2005-2006)
Mike Berchem (6 episodes, 2006-2007)
Adam Belanoff (4 episodes, 2006-2007)
Steven Kane (3 episodes, 2006-2007)
Rick Kellard (2 episodes, 2005)
Roger Wolfson (2 episodes, 2005)
Nancy Miller (1 episode, 2005)
Kyra Sedgwick ... Deputy Chief Brenda Johnson / ... (37 episodes, 2005-2007)
J.K. Simmons ... Asst. Police Chief Will Pope / ... (37 episodes, 2005-2007)
Corey Reynolds ... Sgt. David Gabriel (37 episodes, 2005-2007)
Robert Gossett ... Commander Taylor / ... (37 episodes, 2005-2007)
G.W. Bailey ... Det. Lt. Provenza (37 episodes, 2005-2007)
Jon Tenney ... Agent Fritz Howard / ... (37 episodes, 2005-2007)
Anthony John Denison ... Det. Andy Flynn / ... (35 episodes, 2005-2007)
Michael Paul Chan ... Detective Mike Tao / ... (34 episodes, 2005-2007)
Phillip P. Keene ... Buzz / ... (34 episodes, 2005-2007)
Raymond Cruz ... Detective Sanchez / ... (33 episodes, 2005-2007)
Gina Ravera ... Detective Daniels
To Catch Up:
The Closer - The Complete First Season
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