AGA-BOOM, created/directed by Dimitri Bogatirev
a kate west review
at the Falcon Theater, 4252 Riverside Drive, Burbank
call (818) 955-8101; running June 19 – August 24, 2003
Dimitri Bogatirev and Iryna Ivanytska from Cirque de Soleil’s “O” and “Alegria” and Philip Karp-Briggs from Ringling Brothers Barnum and Bailey Circus are three highly talented clowns who make up the delightfully visual “Aga-Boom.” Granted its initial appeal is for children but it’s clever and whimsical enough to counter adult cynicism. The production begins with one clown (Ivanytska) sweeping up the stage, creating a hilarious routine of playing with audience while cheerily trying to extricate herself out of amusingly awkward situations. Bogatirev and Karp-Briggs soon join her on stage and the three of them create charming little comic vignettes for the next hour.
Be forewarned that in true clown tradition, they will pull innocent spectators on stage with them and torture them mercilessly. In one instance a blanketed audience member “corpse” was left on stage alone for a few moments. The audience loves this of course, especially the children who scream and jump in frenzied happiness all throughout the production. The bizarrely colorful costumes match the frantic mayhem pace of the action and the clever use of simple props, such as toilet paper and brooms. There are too many special moments to list here, it is infinitely better to experience this magical show in person and be marvelously surprised. Watch out for interesting beach balls to play with. This is a short, concise, excellent presentation of classic clowning and well worth the adventure.
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